Changing Journalism, from three members of the Leverhulme Space of the News Research Group at Goldsmiths, Peter Lee Wright, Angela Phillips, Tamara Witschge, is now out. The book analyses research in both national and local journalism, broadcast, newspaper and online journalism, broadsheet and tabloid, drawing comparisons between the different outlets in the field of news…
The International Symposium on Media Innovations 19-20 April 2012 @ University of Oslo Scholars, editors, producers, and executives from around the world will gather in Oslo to discuss innovation in the media industry. The Symposium is a small, but very intense conference that examines the state of media innovations.
Le colloque L’assignation de genre dans les médias aura lieu à l’Université Rennes 1, les 14-16 mars 2012. Abordée conjointement d’un point de vue théorique et militant, la question du genre (au sens de gender, le sexe en tant qu’il est socialement construit) connaît un essor de plus en plus large, qui a entraîné les…
Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia, invites applications for academic posts in its early Career Academic Development Program. The vacancies in the Creative Industries Faculty are in the discipline areas of : Online Journalism and : Journalism, Media and Communication Contact : Professor Brian McNair on +61 7 3138 0147
Colleagues may be interested in the following job opportunities in Media at the University of Brighton : Senior Lecturer in Media Studies (two part-time posts) Working for the School of Arts and Media based in Brighton, this is an exciting opportunity to join a vibrant team of media academics and researchers. You will have a good…
Les actes du colloque Mejor. I Coloquio Internacional Mudanças Estruturais no Jornalismo – Colloque international sur les mutations structurelles du journalisme, qui avait lieu du 25 au 28 avril 2011 à Brasilia, sont en ligne. Vous pouvez télécharger les Actes complets du colloque ici. O 1º Colóquio Internacional Mudanças Estruturais no Jornalismo (Mejor – 2011)…
The Canadian Journalism Foundation (CJF) is a not-for-profit organization that promotes excellence in journalism by celebrating outstanding journalistic achievement through an annual awards program ; by operating journalism websites, (English) and (French), in cooperation with the country’s leading journalism schools ; and by organizing events that facilitate dialogue among journalists, business people, politicians, government officials…
Con el objetivo de reunir a investigadores nacionales e internacionales para discutir el estado presente y los desafíos de la enseñanza y del ejercicio de la profesión periodística en diferentes lugares del mundo, la Universidad de Santiago, la Universidad de La Frontera, la Universidad de Chile y la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso invitan a…
« La presse alternative – Entre la culture d’émancipation et les chemins de l’utopie » Lyon 19-20-21 janvier 2012 Comité organisateur : Mimmo Pucciarelli (CEDRATS, Lyon), Alan Marschall (Musée de l’imprimerie de Lyon), Anne Catherine Marin (Archives Municipales de Lyon), Joëlle Le Marec (Centre Norbert Elias), Igor Babou (Centre Norbert Elias) Depuis sa naissance la presse a joué…
The India Media Centre is organizing a conference in September on the changing face of journalism in India, monday 12 September 2011, at the University of Westminster (309 Regent Street, London). Conference organizer : Professor Daya Thussu, Co-Director of India Media Centre, University of Westminster The transformation of journalism in India – the world’s largest democracy…