Le laboratoire ReSIC (ULB, Bruxelles) organise, les 14 et 15 juin prochains, des journées d’étude sur le thème Les journalistes aux prises avec leurs sources. Ces journées d’étude s’intéressent à la place, toujours mouvante, de la source dans le travail du journaliste. Des interventions croisées, en conférence puis en séminaire de recherche, permettront de confronter…
Un panel sur le journalisme de données est organisé dans le cadre des 44ème journées de statistique, qui se déroulent actuellement à l’Université libre de Bruxelles. Ce panel se tient jeudi 24 mai à 14h (salle AZ.1.101, campus du Solbosch)
Call for papers – III International Conference on Cyberjournalism University of Porto – December 06-07 2012 The ObCiber – Observatório do Ciberjornalismo (Observatory of Cyberjournalism) invites submissions for its III International Conference on Cyberjournalism – December 06-07, 2012 – in the University of Porto, Portugal, under the general theme of “Convergence” (professional, business, technological and…
NETWORKS AND JOURNALISM : When news becomes social from José-Manuel Noguera During last years social networks have infuenced daily the routines of the media and information consumption patters of the audience. The social recommendation has become a journalistic paradigm that the media must learn to handle. This book addresses through numerous case studies, to the challenges…
Le colloque « Journalisme et culture », coorganisé par le Gripic (Celsa) et Elico (Lyon), se tiendra les 24 et 25 mai 2012. La première journée se tiendra au théâtre de la Colline, à Paris 20e, et la seconde au Celsa. Voici le programme complet du colloque.
La revue Contextes annonce la publication dans ses pages du dossier Le littéraire en régime journalistique. Cette publication fait suite à un colloque sur ce thème tenu en mai dernier à l’Université libre de Bruxelles. Les articles sont accessibles en intégralité.
New edition of Global Media Journal (DE). The special issue focuses on « Covering the Arab Spring : Middle East in the Media – the Media in the Middle East« . Guest editors : Riem Spielhaus and Ehab Galal (University of Copenhagen).
Key Readings in Journalism, edited by Elliot King and Jane Chapman Key Readings in Journalism brings together over thirty essential writings that every student of journalism should know. Designed as a primary text for undergraduate students, each reading was carefully chosen in response to extensive surveys from educators reflecting on the needs of today’s journalism…
Call for papers for International Congress JDM – JOURNALISM AND MOBILE DEVICES Universidade da Beira Interior (Portugal), 15-16 November 2012 The media ecosystem is constantly changing due to the complex process of convergence that currently takes place. Jenkins (2006)states that this convergence occurs in four areas (content, technology, business models and professional activity) and is characterized…
The aim of InMedia is to study the media and media representations in the English-speaking world. The journal focuses on the press, photography, painting, cinema, television, video games, music, radio and the Internet among other fields of study. It provides a multidisciplinary approach and comparative perspectives. Contributions are welcome from many research areas, including history,…