L’Histoire et la presse Stéphanie Laithier et Hélène Guillon (sous la dir.), Cahiers Alberto Benveniste n°2, Paris, Le Manuscrit, 2007 Ce numéro 2 des Cahiers Alberto Benveniste a été dirigé par Stéphanie Laithier et Hélène Guillon, agrégées d’histoire et doctorantes à l’École Pratique des Hautes Études. Il a bénéficié de la collaboration active de l’ensemble…
The EU’s communication activities and the work of EU correspondents both in Brussels and around Europe were the focus of the EU-funded AIM (Adequate Information Management) project, which is just drawing to a close. The Brussels press corps is one of the largest in the world, bringing together over 1,000 journalists from over 60 countries.…