Research Center of Innovation Journalism

The Innovation Journalism announces the VINNOVA Stanford Research Center of Innovation Journalism, founded by H-STAR institute (Human-Sciences Advanced Research institute) of Stanford University and VINNOVA (the Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems). Starting in January 2009, this new research center at Stanford pursues human-sciences and technology research in areas that will impact and promote the…

Handbook of Journalism Studies

This Handbook of Journalism Studies (Edited by Karin Wahl-Jorgensen and Thomas Hanitzsch – Lawrence Erlbaum Associates -) charts the growing area of journalism studies, exploring the current state of theory and setting an agenda for future research in an international context. The volume is structured around theoretical and empirical approaches, and covers scholarship on news…

Economic theory of journalism

Just published… in Journalism, Vol. 9, No. 6, 667-690 (2008), Journalists and the information-attention markets. Towards an economic theory of journalism, by Susanne Fengler (TU Dortmund University, Germany) and Stephan Ruß-Mohl (Università della Svizzera italiana, Switzerland). In this article we suggest economic theory (specifically rational choice theory) as a promising approach to analyze the dramatic…

Conference : New media and information

NEW MEDIA AND INFORMATION:CONVERGENCES AND DIVERGENCES International Conference, 6-9 May, Athens/Greece FIRST CALL FOR PAPERS The Department of Communication, Media and Culture of Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences is organizing a conference on New Media and Information. The conference will be held in Athens, Greece, on May 6th – 9th 2009. The conference…

Social network : journalism research

A social network for anyone researching news and journalism has been created by Paul Bradshaw. It’s at http://onlinejournalismresearch.ning.com/ It’s an attempt to provide a way for journalism students and academics to get in touch with others researching the same area, exchange ideas and tips, and ask for help on everything from finding relevant literature to…

Wiki sur l’enseignement du journalisme

L’UNESCO a lancé un wiki sur l’enseignement du journalisme (source : Samsa News). En décembre 2005, en réponse aux demandes de plusieurs pays membres, l’UNESCO a organisé une réunion d’éducateurs en journalisme à Paris, afin d’envisager un cursus d’éducation au journalisme qui répondrait à cette attente. A la suite de cette réunion, l’UNESCO a donné rendez-vous…

Online research conference

This is an invitation to GOR 09, the General Online Research conference which will take place April 6-8, 2009 at the University of Vienna. The annual GOR conference covers research within the social and behavioral sciences in the form of research on online/mobile methods of data collection and in the form of research on the…

The geography of news

Un projet de recherche est actuellement mené au Canada sur la Géographie des nouvelles sur le Web. Le projet intitulé The Geography news project is an on-going program of research devoted to examining the circulation of news on the Internet. Its central research question asks whether globalization and the emergence of the Internet have had…

Nouveau numéro de African Journalism Studies

La revue African journalism Studies vient de sortir son dernier numéro.

Un livre sur le ‘Blogging’

Dr Jill Walker Rettberg, du célèbre blog jill-txt.net, a signalé, il y a quelque temps, la sortie de son ouvrage Blogging, pour août 2008. Le sommaire du futur livre annonce qu’un chapitre est consacré aux journalistes citoyens. Sinon par ici, une liste de ses publications…