Covering the Arab Spring in Global Media Journal (DE)

New edition of Global Media Journal (DE). The special issue focuses on « Covering the Arab Spring : Middle East in the Media – the Media in the Middle East« . Guest editors : Riem Spielhaus and Ehab Galal (University of Copenhagen).

Key Readings in Journalism

Key Readings in Journalism, edited by Elliot King and Jane Chapman Key Readings in Journalism brings together over thirty essential writings that every student of journalism should know. Designed as a primary text for undergraduate students, each reading was carefully chosen in response to extensive surveys from educators reflecting on the needs of today’s journalism…

Journalism and mobile devices (Portugal)

Call for papers for International Congress JDM – JOURNALISM AND MOBILE DEVICES Universidade da Beira Interior (Portugal), 15-16 November 2012 The media ecosystem is constantly changing due to the complex process of convergence that currently takes place. Jenkins (2006)states that this convergence occurs in four areas (content, technology, business models and professional activity) and is characterized…

New publication : InMedia

The aim of InMedia is to study the media and media representations in the English-speaking world. The journal focuses on the press, photography, painting, cinema, television, video games, music, radio and the Internet among other fields of study. It provides a multidisciplinary approach and comparative perspectives. Contributions are welcome from many research areas, including history,…

PhD funding – Department of Journalism Studies (Sheffield)

The Department of Journalism Studies at the University of Sheffield has a fully funded ESRC PhD scholarship available to suitably qualified applicants who are interested in researching any of the areas covered by current members of the department including poverty and media representation, journalism ethics, political communication, free speech and journalism, the architecture of news,…

Media and Journalism in an Evolving Ecosystem (Porto)

For the Third International Conference on Media and Communication (ICMC) in Porto (Portugal) an extended abstract, with a preferred length between 750 to 1000 words, accompanied by contact details and a brief bio on a separate page, should be sent no later than February 15 to the email address stated below. Abstracts may be written…

Assistant professor in journalism (Brussels, Belgium)

Assistant professor in journalism (Brussels, Belgium) The School of journalism at Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB, Dep. of Information and Communication Sciences) is seeking applications for an assistant professor in journalism.  Candidates will be required to hold a PhD and to show thorough knowledge of journalism and the news media. Candidates whose mother tongue is…

The new faces of Journalism and Mass Media

Abat Oliba CEU University’s International Journalism Week 2012 : The new faces of Journalism and Mass Media. Communication in the 21st century Barcelona – February the 27th to March the 2nd, 2012 The Vice-dean of Journalism Studies of the Abat Oliba CEU University (UAO) of Barcelona invites professors, professionals and teaching staff from international universities to…

Assistant Professor in Journalism Studies

The Missouri School of Journalism invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor position in Journalism Studies beginning in August 2012. We seek an outstanding scholar with a commitment to excellence in teaching and a desire to contribute to the dynamic and collaborative culture at the world’s first School of Journalism. Successful candidates will be scholars…

Sur le journalisme – About Journalism – Sobre jornalismo

Notre revue scientifique internationale, intitulée Sur le journalisme, a été lancée en 2012. Sur le journalisme est une revue à comité de lecture, libre d’accès, en versions électronique et papier.  Elle fait peau neuve à cette adresse : https://revue.surlejournalisme.com/slj/index Our international scientific journal, entitled About journalism, will be launched in 2012. About journalism is a peer-reviewed open-access journal,…