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Guest Editors :
Mark Deuze (Indiana University, US & Leiden University, Netherlands)
John Banks (Queensland University of Technology, Australia)
Call for Papers
This special issue on Co-Creative Labor strives to bring together scholars from a wide variety of disciplines, addressing general or particular concerns about the conditions and changing nature of (new) media work and co-creative labor in different areas of the creative industries. The issue calls for papers that focus on rich empirical and/or theoretical work in or across three key domains of research on co-creative labor and cultural production :
# New Media, Cultural Production, and Work
A first domain of research would focus on historical contexts and critical discussions of the role of media work in contemporary society. Key concepts used in the field-new media, digital culture, work, culture and creative industries, media professions-should be highlighted and clearly articulated with co-creative practices old and new.
# Media Professions
In a second domain we are looking for investigations of key media professions – journalism, game development, television and motion picture production, advertising, public relations and marketing communications, popular music, fashion –in terms of the changing nature of work in these professions, focusing on the convergence of the roles of professionals and amateurs and the implications for professional and/or organizational identity, and the management of creativity in a context of the signaled shift towards co-creative labor.
# Convergence Culture and Free Labor
A third area of research would focuses more explicitly on what industry observers coin as “user-generated content”, “consumer co-creation” or “citizen media”, and by the academy as “commons-based peer production” (Benkler), “free labor” (Terranova) and “convergence culture” (Jenkins).
We are specifically looking for submissions of original research including, but not limited to :
– Case studies of media companies adopting co-creative labor practices ;
– Case studies of specific co-creative communities and their relationships with media producers ;
– Content analyses of co-creative labor in the production of culture ;
– Mapping of ethical, political, economical and cultural changes and challenges of co-creative labor ;
– Quantitative and/or qualitative empirical work on the production, content, and/or consumption of co-created media messages ;
– Research focusing on co-creative labor in the context of specific media industries ;
– International comparative work on co-creative labor in media production.Of course, this call is not exclusive, and we very much look forward to working with any authors on paper proposals or extended abstracts on related issues. We particularly want to encourage graduate students to submit work in progress.
The special issue will appear as 12(2) of 2009. The deadline for all full paper submissions is : 30 August 2008. All submissions will be anonymously reviewed by at least two referees. Deadline for revised manuscripts is 7 November 2008. Final editorial decisions will be made by late November 2008. Submitted manuscripts should not exceed 7,500 words (including main text, abstract and keywords, plus references and endnotes).
Please submit papers, extended abstracts, or expressions of interest to Mark Deuze (mdeuze at indiana.edu).