« Em imersão » Colóquio internacional Jornalismo, sociologia, etnologia, história, literatura, ciência política Experiências / práticas / representações da imersão em ciências sociais e jornalismo Rennes, França, 27-29 de novembro de 2013 Organização : CRAPE UMR 6051 Em associação com o CNRS, a Universidade de Rennes 1, o IEP de Rennes e o EHESP. Como melhor compreender…
Otázky žurnalistiky (Questions of Journalism : www.otazkyzurnalistiky.sk – Bratislava) is a journal which reviews theory, research and practice of mass media and communication, which has more than fifty-years of tradition. It would greatly benefit from research and theoretical studies from the spheres of journalistic theory and practice, historical studies, the legal world, politics, economics, linguistics, sociological and psychological…
En raison de difficultés techniques d’accès au site de colloque MEJOR 2013 (Brésil), la date de clôture de l’appel est repoussée au 15 décembre 2012. Les travaux doivent être envoyés directement aux correspondants de l’organisation chargés des travaux présentés en langue française : flecam@ulb.ac.be denis.ruellan@univ-rennes1.fr Les travaux peuvent être présentés par des doctorants. ____________________________________ En français : Appel…
Key Readings in Journalism, edited by Elliot King and Jane Chapman Key Readings in Journalism brings together over thirty essential writings that every student of journalism should know. Designed as a primary text for undergraduate students, each reading was carefully chosen in response to extensive surveys from educators reflecting on the needs of today’s journalism…
For the Third International Conference on Media and Communication (ICMC) in Porto (Portugal) an extended abstract, with a preferred length between 750 to 1000 words, accompanied by contact details and a brief bio on a separate page, should be sent no later than February 15 to the email address stated below. Abstracts may be written…
Abat Oliba CEU University’s International Journalism Week 2012 : The new faces of Journalism and Mass Media. Communication in the 21st century Barcelona – February the 27th to March the 2nd, 2012 The Vice-dean of Journalism Studies of the Abat Oliba CEU University (UAO) of Barcelona invites professors, professionals and teaching staff from international universities to…
The Missouri School of Journalism invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor position in Journalism Studies beginning in August 2012. We seek an outstanding scholar with a commitment to excellence in teaching and a desire to contribute to the dynamic and collaborative culture at the world’s first School of Journalism. Successful candidates will be scholars…
(Re)penser le journalisme. Innovations, vitesse, transparence 1ères rencontres annuelles Paris 1/CESSP/CFJ/ESCP 23 novembre 2011 L’objectif de ce colloque est double. Il s’agira d’interroger ces innovations et leurs effets sur la nature du journalisme et sa fonction sociale, car plus que jamais le journalisme est soumis à plusieurs défis à la fois (économique, technologique et sans…
Les actes du colloque Mejor. I Coloquio Internacional Mudanças Estruturais no Jornalismo – Colloque international sur les mutations structurelles du journalisme, qui avait lieu du 25 au 28 avril 2011 à Brasilia, sont en ligne. Vous pouvez télécharger les Actes complets du colloque ici. O 1º Colóquio Internacional Mudanças Estruturais no Jornalismo (Mejor – 2011)…
The Canadian Journalism Foundation (CJF) is a not-for-profit organization that promotes excellence in journalism by celebrating outstanding journalistic achievement through an annual awards program ; by operating journalism websites, J-Source.ca (English) and ProjetJ.ca (French), in cooperation with the country’s leading journalism schools ; and by organizing events that facilitate dialogue among journalists, business people, politicians, government officials…